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Everwood Season 2 DVD & EVC Online meets EMA

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I just wanted to remind all you EVC fans that the second season of Everwood is finally coming to DVD this upcoming Tuesday, June 16. You can currently pre-order it at Amazon.com and other online retailers or you can just hit the stores on Tuesday to pick up a copy. If you don’t yet have season one, you can currently get it at Amazon for only $12.49. I also saw it on sale at Best Buy for $12.99. Our webmistress S. will be making screencaps of Emily’s deleted scenes. So stay tuned for that. In the mean time, you can surf on over to Warner Brothers official Everwood on DVD site: EverwoodonDVD.com where you’ll find info on the season 2 set, pics, videos, and wallpapers.

Also, in a bit of light news, we got a little shout-out from The Environmental Media Association (EMA) for our recent reporting of Emily’s involvement in the L.A. school district organic garden program. You can find a picture of the site in their online press archive. They got our URL wrong, lol, but it’s still kind of cool and flattering to be mentioned next to the likes of People, Yahoo!, and ET.