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Emily to participate at Indiana State-Wide Day of Action

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This Saturday, October 4th, Emily and co-star Sarah Jane Morris will be in Fishers, Indiana to canvass for the current presidential campaign. What does it mean to canvass?

“Canvassing is the systematic contacting of individuals in a target group, often in a particular geographic area. It is commonly used before or during elections by political campaigns” (Wikipedia).

The two lovely ladies will be working the 3:30 PM shift, although I do not know how long that will go for. I do applaud their efforts, though!

I am happy to see Emily for Obama because that is who I will be voting for come November 4th.

For more information and the sign up form, go here.

And one last note. If you are not yet registered to vote, please do so because the deadline is soon. Let your voice be heard.