‘Revenge’ 2.08 HD Screen Captures
HD logoless screen captures from Sunday’s episode of ‘Revenge’ have been added to the gallery. 510 x ‘Revenge’ 2×08: Lineage HD Screen Captures
‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5×04 HD Screen Captures
HD screen captures from Emily’s last episode of Brothers & Sisters have been added to the gallery. 354 x ‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5×04: ‘A Righteous Kiss’ HD Screen Captures And that’s all, folks. Emily’s time on ‘Brothers & Sisters’ has officially come to an end. Here’s looking forward to whatever the future may hold for Emily.
‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5×03 HD Screen Captures + 5×04 Promo
HD screen captures from Sunday’s episode of Brothers & Sisters have been added to the gallery. 317 x ‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5×03: ‘Faking It’ HD Screen Captures You can check out the promo trailer for next Sunday’s episode, which will be Emily’s last, below.
‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5.03 Sneak Peek
Watch a short sneak peek of Emily in this Sunday’s (Oct. 10) new episode of ‘Brothers & Sisters’ below.
‘Brothers & Sisters’ Update
Just wanted to post a quick little update to say that Emily did NOT appear in Sunday’s episode of Brothers & Sisters. I have no idea why ABC listed her as a guest star for the episode. So, sorry to anyone who tuned in expecting to see her. I promise though, she is definitely in the next two episodes.
‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5.04 HQ Episode Stills
HQ stills from Emily’s last episode of Brothers & Sisters have been added to the gallery. 005 x Brothers & Sisters 5×04: ‘A Righteous Kiss’ Episode Stills
Interview with ‘Brothers & Sisters’ Producer
I’ve noticed the site has been getting a lot of hits since last night and I can only assume that many of them are from new visitors who are wondering why Emily was not in yesterday’s Brothers & Sisters season premiere. (If you’re one of those people, you can read all about Emily’s decision to leave the show here.) Rest assured, she
‘Brothers & Sisters’ 5.03 HQ Episode Stills
HQ stills from Emily’s second to last episode of Brothers & Sisters have been added to the gallery. 004 x Brothers & Sisters 5×03: ‘Faking It’ Episode Stills
Gallery Update + ‘Brothers & Sisters’ News
I added some behind the scenes pics of Emily’s latest photo shoot to the gallery today. I also added some stills of Emily on ‘The Hour’ taken during her appearance on the show earlier this year. 012 x Photo Shoot Session #27 – Behind the Scenes 006 x ‘The Hour’ Stills Lastly, a small update on Brothers & Sisters. Though
‘Brothers & Sisters’ Season 4 Deleted Scenes
I uploaded Emily’s deleted scenes from the Brothers & Sisters season four DVD to the video archive. I didn’t bother uploading one of the deleted scenes, since Emily doesn’t do anything in the scene besides sit in the background. You can watch them all below! Click here to watch the rest of the deleted scenes!