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I’m back with some Revenge PaleyFest goodies for you all! Pictures from the event (both from the arrivals and the panel itself) have surfaced and I have added those to the gallery. Emily was in attendance along with co-stars Gabriel Mann, Nick Wechsler, Joshua Bowman and executive producer, Mike Kelley.
Update 9/11: Over 40 more photos of Emily at PaleyFest, many in HQ, have been added to the gallery!!!
050 x PaleyFest’s Fall TV Preview Party for ABC – Arrivals
037 x PaleyFest’s Fall TV Preview Party for ABC – Panel

As for what was dicussed at the panel, here are some of the highlights from Twitter:
– EP (Executive Producer) says that Emily’s always been the girl next door but in Revenge, she is definitely not that
– EP says the show is definitely a soap opera
– The reason Emily was drawn to this part was because the character was so different and layered, unlike her character Rebecca from B&S
– Emily loved family dramas such as B&S but it was time to step up her game and try something new
– “Emily Thorne” is likeable, which is why she works as a protagonist and not a villain
– “Emily” has to be careful about “Jack” (Nick Wechsler). She can’t allow herself to have a soft spot for him because of history or it’ll ruin everything she’s planned. And that’s the last thing she wants
– The picture of Emily from all those Revenge posters is actually superimposed from B&SSource: @PaleyCenter and @TVGuide
Also, a video interview from PaleyFest has already been uploaded! The video is titled, Emily VanCamp talks love triangles & internal struggles on ‘Revenge’. Check it out below. (I know this update is super long but please bear with me!)
Screen captures can be found here.
Lastly, here’s the amazing article that goes with the video from above:
The rocky (emotional) road of ‘Revenge’: What’s in store for Emily Thorne?
By: Danielle TurchianoRevenge executive producer Mike Kelley doesn’t want potential viewers to be put off by the title of his new ABC drama. Though the show’s premise is that the main character Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) moves back to the Hamptons one summer seemingly to take down all of those who were involved in her own father’s demise, what lies underneath that surface is not nearly so simple– for the show or for Emily herself.
“She had it in her head of what the blueprint was and who these people– who Victoria and who Daniel represents and his privileged life and how he took advantage of the system, but then she comes to town, and oh my God, he’s not this horrible person. He’s actually just as controlled and suffering as maybe anyone else. She changes. She has to. She has to evolve,” Kelley assured us when we caught up with him at the ABC fall preview event at the Paley Center for Media here in Los Angeles.
“If we’re doing this right, it’s a battle for Emily’s soul, and the only way out of revenge is forgiveness. She says it a couple of times in the pilot– ‘This is not a story about forgiveness’– and I think she protests too much. It’s a balance.”
In part the balance is needed not only for the character’s sake, but also the show’s as a whole. An act of vengeance is ultimately one born out of anger, and oftentimes, hate. And those are not emotions that look good on a pretty young woman with whom the audience is supposed to want to connect, let alone like. And right in the pilot episode we learn that her father — the man who’s name she is ultimately committing all of these acts for — has urged her to do the complete opposite and instead of dwell, just move on and live her life. Knowing that she is going against his wishes has to be a struggle, as well, as she gets to know some of the people she so blindly hated and perhaps learns that there are two sides to every story.
VanCamp shared that it is about so much more that for Emily, though: “If she forgives, she ultimately has to let go of her father, which is so, kind of tragic, and she’s just not ready to do that. This is her only connection to him, and I think in some weird way she’s justified it to herself…I think there is that internal struggles that she just represses.”
Emily, therefore, may be a bit misguided, leading with her emotions right now– and her emotions just happen to be blind rage– but she is not a sociopath. Her idea of “taking these people down” is not to kill them (though there will be some casualties of her war stricken down along the way, as well); her idea of revenge is to strip them of all she was stripped of.
“Her idea of revenge is to afflict the amount of emotional pain on these people that she suffered and that her father suffered,” Kelley clarified. “She was taken away when she was a nine-year old girl…and now it’s been, you know, from eighteen to twenty-six she’s been creating Emily Thorne. It’s been a very long time plan, and the idea isn’t to push Conrad off a cliff or run Victoria over with a golf cart! She wants to draw this out and ruin them.”
Besides, if you live in a world like the Hamptons, losing your social status is probably a fate worth than death anyway!
As it stands in the beginning of Revenge, only one person knows who Emily really is and what she has in mind for the town. But Kelley promised that wouldn’t always be the case.
“Emily’s going to have to be on top of her game. She has a lot of contingency plans– a lot of parachutes– in case people get too close, so for now Nolan is the only one who knows who she is, but we have a surprise coming up in episode seven who shows up who does know who she is and who she never expected to show up.”
Any guesses, early Revenge fans?? Make sure you check out our video chat with VanCamp for her take on Emily Thorne and her rocky relationship with many men.
Revenge premieres on ABC on September 21st. Stay tuned right here for an advance review!
Source: examiner.com
What’s happening here? Emily news every day, wow, it’s like a dream come true. It’s hard to keep up with you, great work, Shirphie, it’s exactly like I wished it would be, no, even better. 😀 10 days to go, or 17, depends. 😉